Arrow Bronze Story Video

At Arrow Bronze we understand the memorial for your loved one must last a lifetime. Each memorial we produce is designed, forged, and developed with the ultimate of care, and artisan talent. We know quality can’t be rushed. Each memorial bares our commitment to creating Living Memories

Arrow Bronze Morning Tea

Our team came together today for morning tea to support Movember and the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.The morning included a Cancer Statistics Quiz with Emma McGregor, National Sales & Customer Engagement Manager v’s Chris Beadles, Operation Manager. A BIG thank you for the creative and colourful morning tea goodies, all made by our Customer Care Team Member … Continued


Our team had the pleasure of recently attending the 2022 Australasian Cemeteries & Crematoria Association Annual Conference and trade exhibition in Canberra. The three day national conference included speakers from leading cemetery and crematoria professionals from Australia and abroad.As a principal sponsor of ACCA, Arrow Bronze sponsored a spectacular Black Tie conference dinner at the Australian War Museum which … Continued

Life Matters – Digital Memorialisation

Recently Emma McGregor of Arrow Bronze and Smart Memorial Plaque founder Sonia Vachalec of modUrn contributed to a discussion on Digital Memorialisation. Listen here from 9.26am. ABC radio National – Life Matters. #arrowbronze#smartmemorialplaque#australianmade#modurn#livingmemories#lifematters

Innovative Memorialisation

South Australia Is Fast Becoming A Global Destination For Innovation But Its Not Just The Tech Hubs Leading The Way.

Arrow Bronze & The Modurn Group Announcement

ARROW BRONZE AND THE MODURN GROUP ANNOUNCE AN EXCLUSIVE PARTNERSHIP OFFERING INTERACTIVE BRONZE PLAQUES AND MODURNS MEMORIALISATION PRODUCTS IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. Arrow Bronze is the premier supplier of Bronze and Aluminium plaques and accessories expertly crafted in Australia. Our commitment to growth has led to a dynamic partnership with ModUrn that will ensure … Continued